Friday, June 12, 2009

Organizational Tips #2

Isaac's closet

When I was a kid I loved to clean out drawers. Sadly it was my best talent. I now realize that it is a good talent to have. I wish I were even better at organization. David and his family are ultra organized. After being around them I realize that I have room for improvement. Here is a list of tips from friends and family I polled about staying organized. These are all things that I try to do. My life is much happier when I feel organized. I hate not being able to find something; it is so frustrating. I also think that the organization keeps me from feeling frazzled; anything to help while trying to raise my little family. If you have a good tip I'll add it to the list.

1. Alice
"A place for everything and everything in its place."
"If you don't have a place for it, get rid of it."
2. David
"A place for everything and everything in its place."
"If you don't have a place for it, get rid of it."
3. Sarah
"I use containers and labels for everything."
"Clean up your kitchen and pick up your house before bed. It starts the next day off right."
4. Amy Greene
"Tidy up your house before you go to bed."
"My day is much better when I get up and get ready for the day."
"Pack lunches, kids backpacks the night before."
5. Linda
"Make sure your kitchen is clean every night."
6. Rory
"If you don't use it, lose it."
7. Jeremy
"Iron your clothes right when you take them out of the dryer."
8. Kim
"Only touch it once." (Don't pick something up and move it from one place to another. Pick it up and put it away.)
9. Jessica
"Everything needs a place."
10. Wade
"Keep your garage clean, it helps keep your house clean."
"Keep everything off the garage floor."
11. Jocelyn
"Color coded file system."
12. Kathy
"Do your laundry once a week. It is so nice not to have to worry about the laundry everyday."
13. Nicole
"Organize your clothes closets. Take out what doesn't fit. Use the same type of hangers. Like things together. Shirts, shorts, pants. Utilize the space. Hang double rods."
"Make your bed right when you wake up. It takes two minutes and makes all the difference in a room."
"Make sure your kitchen is clean before you go to bed."
15. Jen
"A place for everything."
16. Tara
"Write everything down."
"Get as much done the night before as possible."
17. Lori
"Do as much as you can the night before."
"Write everything down. I keep a notebook in my purse."
"If you are in charge of an event, arrive at least 1 hour early."
"Different bags for different things" (Work bag, errand bag, church bag.)
18. Kim S.
"Fly Lady"
19. Sue
"Make friends with your garbage can."


Kim Ward said...

Very nice list. I may have to print it out and put it on my vison board. I am excited about our little contest! I love you.

Jessica O. said...

I love the tips. I'll start implimenting them immediately. I laugh at Wade's tip.

Cheri said...

Love these tips. Just wondering were Dales tip is?? hahahaahahaha.

Jerry said...

Nicole good tips. I think you and David have already arrived at being super organized. I wish we were as organized. Love, MOM

Kim Ward said...

It is getting late?? Of course it is an hour later my time so you are still safe.

Jen said...

All the suggestions about picking up your house before bed are so true. I just wish I could do it all the time. I have recommitted myself.

rebfam7 said...

Seriously, this picture is killing me...instead of our girls trip, why don't we get rid of my family and go through my house room by room for a week. I cannot offer you a Pina by the pool but I make up a mean diet coke! Wish I had flowers and closets like yours! When will I ever see you??? The boys 20 year reunion??