Tuesday, June 23, 2009

What is in your church bag?

I am looking for great ideas of what to pack in a church bag to entertain a little two year old. Lucy is now at the stage that she doesn't like to stay in sacrament meeting so she is loud and knows she will get taken out. Please HELP!


Kim Ward said...

NIcole take a sticker book. The past two weeks Anna as stood and taken stickes off the sheet and put them on her arms. She will do this for a good twenty minutes or so. I also give her a bag of cheerios or whatever cereal we have. I try not to give it to her till after the sacrament but sometimes she starts with it right off. Does she have any favorite books? I am impressed you are still with me in the contest, being out of town and all. I underestimated Nicoles competitive side. HOpe you are having a good trip.

Jen said...

I notice this little 2 year old in our ward in entertained the entire time by magnets. They have a little book and box type thing that has magnetic pictures and she places them on the board. I even want to play with it.

Sarah said...

We are all about sticker books too. Costco and Sams has great ones for like 7 bucks. My boys even like them. Or even just get a bunch of stickers at the dollar store and put them on paper.
I also made a quiet book that the girls love. very time consuming but worth it.
Also, NONI candies. Stock up. They are the best since they take a long time to eat. Hope you get some good ideas that I can use.

Denise/Nene said...

I've heard duct tape works well. People might look at you funny at first, but if they too have a 2 year they will understand. ha ha ha

Sherwoods said...

I would take some of the church books for kids that you can get at Deseret book/Seagull. They have some fun one that have things like lift-the-flap etc. It keeps my kids entertained and kind of teaches them the stories at the same time!

Heather said...

James loves to play with some stacking cups (Ikea). He pours his smarties, fishies, raisins, whatever treat into one cup then dumps them into another cup over and over.
We also take paper and crayons.