Friday, June 5, 2009

Everyone loves a good Beverage.

Don't you just love opening a nice cold beverage and hearing the pop. I also love to pour a soda in a glass of ice until it is about ready to overflow and then feel the bubbles tickle your lip. When I was little we would always take the first sip and say taaahhhhh... The other day my dad stop by and he was teaching Lucy all of these little pleasures. It was pretty cute.


Cheri said...

I think there is more to this post than meets the eye. I think-and correct me if I'm wrong but could this just possible be that your missing all those amazing things that come with actually drinking a soda?? Jess wrote about Lent. and I'm thinking this is a with drawl post..:)

Jessica O. said...

Let's just quit. The only people we would be disappointing is ourselves and we are used to that.j/k. This is also one of the legacies our parents passed to us. Yummy! Lucy & Dad are so cute together.

Kim Ward said...

I'm with Jess you should just quit. NO keep up the good work. I love the pictures, and am jealous you are all so close. I love you. Lucy and Dad sure do love each other and it is sure cute!

Tami said...

What a cute pic!I love the ponies! I haven't enjoyed the pop,and bubbles of a soda in over 5 years. I'm still alive and enjoying life! Keep up the good work!

Jerry said...

Lucy did say aaaah.She is a doll.I am not going to give up soda pop.One does have to haave a few small vices. Just dont tell my large ones

Jerry said...

I knew there was a reason that I married Jerry and it is his soda pop vice. I love soda pop. As a kid I would fake a headache so I could have an alka-selzer. I love the fizz. Love MOM