Monday, February 2, 2009

Hooray for Hooks!

We are not very good at projects around here. I bought some cute hooks at Pottery Barn Kids about a year ago, I wanted a place to hang my kids hooded towels. I asked David to hang them a couple of times and after having them sit on the counter in the bathroom for awhile I put them away in the cupboard and basically put the project on the back burner. The day before we went to Hawaii I was able to get my hook project done. It turned out even more extensive than I had planned initially. I was having a glass and hardware company give me a bid to put mirror in my exercise room, that morning I ran to Anthropologie and picked up a few more hooks. I got one for the pantry to hang my apron on, a couple hooks for my bathroom so I can hang my robe up and it doesn't have to hang on the door knob. Also a few hooks for my mudroom to hang up my purse and bags. When the guy came to give me the bid I asked him about getting the hooks installed too and he said "I have a few extra minutes before my next appointment if you want me to do it now." Do I want you to do it now? YEEEEESSSS! I was actually hoping. He probably thought that I was crazy because I kept telling him how great it was to me to get this project done. It seriously made me SUPER happy all day long. It is actually been making me happy several times a day as I utilize the cute hooks. Thanks Tanner Glass Hook Guy, you are running in first place for the mirror bid. LOVE THOSE HOOKS!


Heather said...

It's the simple things in life. Maybe David will see how much happiness this has brought and remember it for next time!

Sarah said...

I love the "little" things in life that make us happy= that is what it is all about. Glad you got them up and have a place for you bags- something on my list that needs to get done. Have a great Monday.

Natty said...

The hooks are very cute! I know how you feel about the little things making you happy. I replaced the lightbulb in the garage the other day after giving up on Chris doing it. After a month of darkness when getting out of the car it was nice to see some light again!

Kim Ward said...

all your comment have inspired me to hang my towel rack myself, I've been waiting for 2 years for jeremy to do it and lets face it I should just do it myself. I think I will!!

Jessica O. said...

I loved the hooks so much I copied you and got some myself. It's so nice to not see my purse thrown on the counter.