Friday, February 6, 2009

Draper Temple Open House

As many of you know David does not work on Fridays; so several years ago we started calling it FUN Friday. Today for Fun Friday we attended the Draper Temple Open house. Now going to church in my book isn't usually classified as fun but we made the most of it. Grandma and Grandpa came with us and I was glad to make that memory with my children. I also wanted to take advantage of a tremendous teaching opportunity. I have to remind myself that sometimes fun isn't the most important thing.

As a young girl I remember going to the Jordan River Temple Open house with my family. I remember waiting in line, putting booties over my shoes and feeling it was a special place. I also had a picture of the St. George Temple hanging in my room. My favorite song in Primary was "I love to see the Temple" and it was always a goal of mine to be married in the temple. I knew at a very early age that the temple was important. I guess that I didn't realize how important it would become to me.

At our house we talk about forever families quite a bit. We remind Isaac that we took him to the temple to be sealed to us right as soon as our adoption was finalized. We love him so much and know that Heavenly Father brought us together. We also know that Heavenly Father has provided a way for us to remain together and that is truly a blessing. We also talk about our daughters Katie and Ellie. We talk about wanting to be with them again and we know that because of the temple that can happen. This is by far one of the greatest blessings of our church. I wish that everyone understood this doctrine. I am very grateful that I do because heaven would not be heaven to me without my family. I hope that this day will have an impression on my children and that they will remember a little bit of it. I hope that they will want to go back to the temple and participate in the blessings it offers. I know that the temple truly binds families together and this blesses my life everyday.


Cheri said...

I also remember going through the Jordan River temple and just thinking how beautiful it was. I told Rob I wanted to take the kids and go through the Draper temple and he about died.. Thanks for sharing this with me. I hope I can talk Rob into going.

Jessica O. said...

I'm glad you guys got to go. We need to try to find a day to make it happen. I'm glad we are a family and I"m so glad we have Isaac.

Kim Ward said...

NIce post Nicca. We are very blessed to have the temples and so many so close. I need to use them more.

loveland9 said...

Hey, I noticed John on a picture further down. Cheri my cousin asked if I knew David. I said that I knew a John from Louisville. He and my husband used to go places to watch the Jazz games.

Jerry said...

Nicole it was a good day. I think the kids did like going. They had a blast in the car. They are very silly. I like that. I am proud of your efforts and that you are part of our family.

Tami said...

What a nice post. I think children remember and learn what you teach them, and you are teaching them that wonderful things happen in those beautiful buildings. Going to the temple for us is at least a 4 1/2 hour experience. I really took being so close to them for granted. I miss you!

Lori Smith D'Alba said...

Nicole: You can read my posts any time - I hope it's OK that I read yours. You have always been such a strong example to me. Thanks for being a friend!

Heather said...

Very nice post Nica. Thanks for sharing.