Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I need a kick in the pants!

I have not been doing good on my exercise/nutrition program. I think I gained like five pounds in Mexico. I did not want to go to my fatman appointment last week so after missing for two weeks and going today,I am officially giving myself a kick in the pants. It is Jessica's assignment to question if I have exercised everyday. If I get her on it, it should work. She is a Nazi. The consistency theme emerges.


Jessica O. said...

I'll give you a kick in the pants only because I need one as well. When are you exercising tomorrow? No treats. Remember when you are trying to lose- you need perfection. After when you maintain you can loosen up a bit!

Kim Ward said...

Nic, I need a kick in the pants too. It is hard with all the treats and the holidays just around the corner. Does life ever slow down?

Turpin Times said...

I just threw away all my treats those dang neighbors keep bringing. I gave myself a kick in the pants last week and am trying very hard to be better. You can do it Nicole, you CAN!!!!!!!!!!! Just think how good you feel when you're exercising and eating right.

Pamela said...

Nicole, it's so nice to hear from you. Thank you for your comment. I actually wanted to send you Annabella's announcement so if you can email me your address I'll send it right away. My email is
I want to see your kids, they are probably big. Your daughter looks adorable, about your post on a kick in the pants, I am probably on the same boat. I am trying to loose weight and it is really hard for me. Anyways, hope to hear from you again. Take care and say hi to David.

Jen said...

Keep it Up! I am at the maintain stage but finding that I am (as Jessica said) loosening up a little too much. Time to crack down again.