Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Happy Birthday Isaac!

Isaac's 6th Birthday, blowing out the candles.

I can't believe my little boy is six years old, where does the time go? Isaac is a very good boy, and he has done a lot of growing up this year. He has changed so much that he doesn't even seem little to me any more. We moved and he has adjusted to a new area. He also became a big brother again and he has been so helpful with his baby sister, Lucy. He also started kindergarten. Isaac has loved school and he has done very well. His teacher says very positive things about him. He is kind to other children and can be a very good friend. He also does not having a problem sticking up for himself, so it is unwise to cross him. Isaac is also very active. He likes things to move at a quick pace and it is a challenge to keep up with him. He can be very loud, which sometimes drives me crazy! He also thrives on attention. He rides the school bus and is friends with all of the big kids. It is so fun to be Isaac's mom. I count it as one of my greatest blessings. He has taught me so many things but possibly the most important is that God loves each of us equally and we are all more alike than we are different. I love being his mom and I love him so much! Happy Birthday Big Kid!


Jessica O. said...

Happy Birthday Isaac! We love you so much and are so happy to be a part of your family. You are always a good time and tons of fun to be around. You are a great boy!

Kim Ward said...

We love Isaac. Andrew wants to be just like him and it is a challenge to get him to say something other than Isaac when we writ in his gratitude journal. Happy Birthday Isaas!

Sarah said...

What a cute kid that we miss SOOOO much. Wish we were there to give him a great big smooch. Happy B-Day and hope this year is just bigger and better. Hugs from all of us.

Heather said...

Happy Birthday to Isaac. He is definitely a big kid.
I'm still waiting to see the golf party course and the golfball cakes! Hope everything worked out.

Jocelyn said...

I love this picture of Isaac....He is such and cute and sweet boy. By the way, I finally finished by tagging assignment. :)