Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!

I hope everyone had a great Mother's Day. I had a good day. We went to church and the kids sang to all of the moms in sacrament, for me this is generally the highlight of the whole block schedule. I couldn't really see my kids very well. Isaac only agreed to go up if he could be in the back row. Truman was trying to inch his way to the front as they sang the songs, but at least he was singing. I think all of the kids did a great job! I love the Primary songs. They teach the gospel in such a simple but profound way.

It was also Fast Sunday and I don't know if I ever remember having a Fast Sunday on Mother's Day. I think every person that got up commented about their own mother and her importance in their life. One lady commented that she knew of many mothers that don't really enjoy the day either because they feel inadequate in their efforts or because they do not have any children of their own and the day is a painful reminder to them. I have to admit that I do understand both those perspectives. Before I had children of my own it was difficult for me to hear mothers complain about their children or complain about what a hard job being a mom is. I wanted to be a mom more than anything else so sometimes Mother's Day was difficult. To make it easier I tried to focus on the positive examples of motherhood in my own life.

My mom is an incredible woman. She is a hard worker and a good thinker. She has loads of the not so common, common sense. She gets more done than any ten ordinary women and she knows how to do everything. She has spent her life in the service of her children and family. I am very proud of her and I am grateful for all that she has taught me. I am also thankful that she picked a great man to spend her life with. He is a very cute dad. (You should check out his blog.) Mom, I love you!

Another great example of motherhood is my mother-in-law, Alice. I have learned many things from her over the years and I know that her children and grandchildren are very important to her. Alice is very organized and she is a good homemaker. She keeps her home tidy and I appreciate her for passing this habit on to her son. David is definitely the most tidy and organized at this house. Alice has many strengths in areas that I need improvement and I appreciate her example.

My Grandma Truman is another exceptional mother. Grandma always did what she was suppose to do; there was never any question. She saw the good in others and always gave them the benefit of the doubt. She was gifted in getting people to do what they should. She could also say what needed to be said to someone without offending them. She loved to garden and work in her yard and she made the best pickles. She is one person that I truly hope I can become more like. I love and miss her.

Of all the blessings in my life I consider being a mom the greatest. I love my kids so very much. They bring me every emotion, everyday. I love watching them make progress and I love catching them being polite or kind. I know that being a mom is hard and I make lot of mistakes but, it is definitely the most rewarding job around. I am thankful to all the women and mothers that have been influential to me and I hope you had a great day.


Heather said...

Thanks for the great post Nicole! You are a great woman!

Kim Ward said...

Nicca, You are a great mom and sister. I love you.

Jessica O. said...

You are a good mom and have great kids. I love you!