Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Organizational Tips

A few years ago I did a little lecture for some people at Faye's work. It was fun and was actually more helpful to me than to anyone else I am sure. Growing up I always thought that I was really organized. Recently I've realized that I wasn't all that organized; but compared to many others in my family I seemed organized. After being married to David for awhile I realized what a truly organized person is like and I wasn't one of them. So I have worked on it and I am at a pretty good balance. Here are some of my tips:
1. Keep your kitchen clean. If your kitchen is clean, most of your house probably is. If it is a mess the rest of the house is probably a wreck. I don't know why this is so but it really seems to be the case.
2. Be willing to throw stuff out. Donate it to the DI or throw it away. Don't hang on to it in case you need it someday. Many times that day never comes.
3. Everything needs to have a place. If you can't find it a place get rid of it. When I was preparing my organizational lecture I polled people on their best tips. I asked my mother-in-law, Alice, her best organizational tip. She replied "A place for everything and everything in its place." Later that day I asked David for his best tip and he said "A place for everything and everything in its place." It was really insightful to me that David learned organization from his mom. It has been a great gift to not only David but to his wife. I hope that I can help teach my boys and Lucy good organizational habits. They really serve you well in life.


Kim Ward said...

I think the Kitchen tip is very true. "The kitchen is the heart of the home." So it should be clean.

Jessica O. said...

Thank you for the tips. I guess I better find everything a home. I'm decent at the Kitchen thing and great at throwing away it is everything else that I throw my arms up at!

Jen said...

That kitchen rule is really true. My kitchen table is my hot zone in my house. I have a hard time keeping it clutter free. Once it is cluttered the rest of my house goes to pot.

Thanks for the tips.

Natty said...

Great tips! I have joined a family who doesn't abide by the "throw it away if you don't use it" rule. Its trouble I tell ya! I still remember you labeling your outfits for the week ahead! Organization equals sanity!

Heather said...

Thanks for the org tips Nicole. I try to be organized, but lately I've been putting things in places that I can't remember later. It's starting to get on my nerves! It's like I get in a hurry to put it away so I don't think about it long enough to remember!

Erin said...

More! More! Give me more!

Lori Smith D'Alba said...

Great suggestions, Nicole! Thanks for the reminders. I love your posts and your advice. Love your spirit - even from 2,000 miles away.