Wednesday, May 27, 2009

No Crying in Baseball?

I don't know who said there is no crying in baseball but they must not of had kids. It is baseball season and that means many nights at the baseball park. A few weeks ago, David took the boys to their game. I didn't go because I was watching my nieces and nephew. I figured going to the game would be worse than usual with three extra kids. David called me shortly after leaving home to say "I'm pretty sure Truman just busted his arm on the monkey bars." I tried to get a hold of Kim but couldn't; she was getting her hair cut from the guy that takes an extra long time to cut hair. Apparently Truman was carrying on pretty good on the side lines of the game while David helped coach the team. Jessica was there and it was difficult to tell if he was really hurt or just being dramatic like Truman has been known to be. After awhile he calmed down and even tried to bat. When they got home we decided to take him to the emergency room. It was indeed broken and Truman loved being a patient in the hospital. He was very funny and unusually brave. He only had to wear his cast for a few weeks which we were glad for because it was looking pretty grimy. Truman was an excellent batter with only one good arm. Hopefully this will be the last broken bone in our family. We'll keep our fingers crossed.


Kim Ward said...

I'm glad he already has his cast off. Good luck with the no more broken bones. MOm only had 3 broken bones with five kids so it is possible.

Jessica O. said...

That was a funny night. Thanks for writing it down so the memory will be preserved. Do you know how many times I've told the boys "there is no crying in baseball"....countless!

Jerry said...

Truman called me from the hospital and he said "Grandma I can see why your like your work so much your hospital is really fun. Everyone is so nice I like it here." It was so fun to talk to him and he was very brave. Love MOM

Denise/Nene said...

Poor Truman. I hope he's doing much better.