Opening her presents. She really looked around when everyone started singing to her.
I can not believe that my little baby has turned one. It goes by way too fast. Lucy is a doll. She has a very pleasant disposition and has been quite an easy baby. Our whole family has adored her. Every morning the boys come in and they fight a little bit over who gets to lay by her. If she is still in her crib they go into her room before coming in to see me. They are both great brothers and are getting to be big helpers. Lucy loves her brothers too. If they are playing downstairs she will go to the top of the stairs and jabber down to them, she wants them to come and get her to come play too. She loves to be in the toy room with them crawling around and just being by them. Lucy is eating more regular foods and liking it. She also started on regular milk this past week. She loves to crawl around and she still scoots army style when in a hurry. She is pulling herself up on everything and tipped the barstool on top of her last week. She also started crawling up a few stairs and unrolling the toilet paper. The super busy stage is just around the corner with her. We love her so much and I count her as one of my best blessings. Happy Birthday sweet girl!
I want to steal her she is so adorable. I know I said it at book club but I love your bangs, they look so cute.
She is so sweet. I love her and am so happy to be her aunt. Happy Birthday Lucy.
Nicole: She is my dool. we love her so much. Happy birthday Lucy. I also think your kids are very lucky to have you and David for parents. Keep up the good work.
Lucy is a doll. She has beautiful blue eyes and a very sweet dispostion. We love her.
Happy Birthday Lucy!! You look just like a Truman girl. You are a gift from heaven. Love you!
oh I just want to squeeze her about now. She is such a cutie pie and I just need to see her. Can't believe she is one. last I saw here she was an itty bitty thing. time sure flies. hope she had a great day and am sure she got lots of loves. love you little Lucy.
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