Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Today I have been EXERCISING. It isn't the only thing that I did, but it is a bit ridiculous that I did this to myself. (You are possibly wondering......what did she do to herself?) Okay here is the story; a few weeks ago I signed up with a nutrition and exercise consultant. It has been very helpful and I have liked it, but the Bon Jovi weekend,(more on that later) kind of messed me up. I also foolishly signed up to do a triathlon in a few weeks. So in order to prepare for that and get my fat man exercises done I was suppose to exercise 6 times, 2 swimming sessions and 4 weight lifting and cardio sessions. As of this morning, Tuesday, I had only exercised once! My appointment is tomorrow afternoon. Needless to say this morning I woke up a bit panicked! I called to try and postpone my appointment to Friday so I would have more time to get my workouts in. He was booked solid. What about Thursday? Nothing. The next available appointment was for Tuesday the following week. I decided to keep my appointment for tomorrow afternoon so off we raced to the rec center. The boys and Lucy went to the day care. I did my weight routine and sprint intervals and then went swimming. It wasn't too bad and only took about an hour and twenty minutes. Tonight after dinner we all returned to the rec center to do it again. Luckily David came for the second go around so he took the kids to the pool while I went to do my weight routine. It was was a different set of muscles, luckily. I skipped the sprint intervals and went back to the pool. Then I went and played with the kids while David swam. In total I did 3 and 1/2 workouts today. (Jess, before you call and tell me I am missing the point of the program, finish reading.) I recognize that I have a problem with consistency, and procrastination. I think being consistent is one of the real challenges of my life. I don't think that I have ever been consistent about anything. Every January I set lots of New Year's Resolutions. I am always very excited about how I am going to transform my life and I do a pretty good job for about a week. Some things last a bit longer but then everything heads south. Another example is when springtime rolls around I am always so excited to get out there and garden. In my mind I am going to transform my yard into temple square. One of the first nice days I will be out planting flowers. (By the way I could really use a couple of nice days around here, we are sick of winter.) I enjoy working in my yard until about mid June and then It just stops. I can hardly remember to water my plants and the pots definitely don't look like they belong on temple square. Scriptures study, family home evening, I'm sure that I could go on and on, but I think you get the picture. I recognize that with all of these things the real benefit comes in doing it daily and a little bit at a time. I know that is how to improve yourself or make a beautiful garden; I just wish that I could come up with a way to make myself more consistent, then maybe I could quit trying to loose weight and move on to something else. Oh well, I still have tomorrow morning before my appointment and a new week. I'll keep trying. Maybe I'll go and read the fable about the tortoise and the hare. (I do realize that I am crazy! Remember that it does run in my family.)


Heather said...

I look at this way Nic. That's 3 1/2 workouts that you had not done the day before. So you're better off.
Remember little steps. Rome wasn't conquered in one day (and Rome is magnificent!).
Good job!

Jessica O. said...

Every little bit helps and we all have our things we are better at and then the things where we are not so strong. I exercise but I promise my house is not as clean as yours. We just have to keep trying.

Sarah said...

Go NIc- you can do it. Have some sort of reward at the end of all this to make it worth it. Living so close to Jess, I don't know how she isn't hounding you on a daily basis (love ya Jess). Have her kick your bottie in gear. GOod Luck. I am anxious to hear the results.

Alissa said...

Hi nicole this is alissa ward i got your blog from kims blog! I think you are great instead of going and working out three times i probably would have given up and ate a candy bar:) I have a hard time with consistency too! I eat good and work out for a week and want to look like jessica biel! Keep up the good work!!

Davi said...

Nicole I kept meaning to call I can never seem to find the time in the daylight hours...For the next book-club we are reading The Giver, I'm sure you've already read it so please just come. This Wed. the 30th at Sharie Giles at 12:30. I'll try to call also. Thanks Melissa H-T