Sunday, April 13, 2008

Rock on!

For Valentines Day David gave me Bon Jovi tickets in Las Vegas. It was kind of one of those gifts that also gives to the giver, but that is okay, we had a great time! For all of you that are laughing go a head and admit it, you like Bon Jovi too. As a kid I can remember vividly dancing in the family room with Mindi and my sisters to the Slippery When Wet cassette tape. We always listened as we did the dinner dishes also. But I do have to say that when it comes to being a Bon Jovi fan, I do not hold a candle to many of them out there. One girl had Bon Jovi tatooed on the nape of her neck. Countless other women, who were significantly older than me, danced around and carried on the entire concert. It was definitely some great people watching. Thanks David for a fun weekend I am really glad that you are my sweetheart and thank you to my parents for watching my kids. I know they had a great time with Grandma and Grandpa.

1 comment:

Jessica O. said...

I never saw this post. I am not sure how I missed it. I love Bon Jovi and actually won a contest lip synching with Jill and Jenny in the fourth grade. I am glad you got to go and that Daughtry sang.