Monday, March 29, 2010

Brusha Brusha Brusha!

I have just returned from the elementary school where I volunteer each week. Today I was in the first grade class. Can someone tell me why none of these children brush their teeth? Can you say DOG BREATH! I am going to call the school and ask them if they would like Foothill Dental to come and do a presentation on oral hygiene. But in the meantime please remind your children to brush their teeth so they don't kill the reading helper with their bad breath.


Sarah said...

what a hoot- this is hilarious. It is torture for me to get Jacob to brush his teeth in the morning- he is always in a rush. At night we are OK but mornings are tough. I'll try to do better. Thanks for the good laugh.

Jessica O. said...

I agree. Please volunteer for the presentation. The kids stink! I will make sure my boys brush.

Kim Ward said...

I have a hard time getting Andrew to brush without grumbling. If I remind him his teacher will think his breath stinks, he is usually quick to act. We'll stick with it.

Cheri said...

LOL!!I agree.

Heather said...

James was watching Sid the Science Kid one day, and it talked all about brushing your teeth EVERY day. Sometimes I remind him about Sid when he doesn't want to brush. And sometimes even when he does brush, he still has dog breath. Is it too early to introduce breath mints?

Turpin Times said...

I have run into that same scenario. Seriously, who would send their kid to school without brushing their teeth? It really is disgusting.