Saturday, September 27, 2008

Lessons from Louisville

Our recent trip was a fun walk down memory lane. When we first arrived I immediately felt at home but Kentucky didn't always feel that way to me. Our first year there was difficult for me, but looking back on it I learned a lot and I think it is really good for a new married couple to move away. It really helped David and I to become our own family unit.

1. Families are so important, they make us who we are. Being near and around them really helps confidence. I am so glad that I have a close family and for the things they teach me. I had some great friends in Kentucky that were like family to me.

2. I love the manners that people have in Louisville. People are very civil to one another, everyone uses yes ma'am or sir. People from Utah could take a lesson.

3. I loved being around a variety of people. I was definitely the "different" one. It was good for me to learn to explain myself and for my friends to see that Mormons aren't as weird as they thought. I also learned that some of the best people I know do not belong to my church.

4. I learned to work hard and always try to do my best at work. The hospital I worked at did not have great conditions. We were always under staffed, we didn't have equipment that worked and our patients could be very mean. I am proud of the job I did and I am very grateful that I don't have to work there anymore!

5. I learned a lot about myself. I know that I am tough and can do hard things. I can stand up for myself. I enjoy spending time with myself.

I am very glad that David and I had the opportunity to live away for awhile. I am also very glad that I can raise my kids near my family and that they can grow up around friends that have similar values and beliefs.


Jessica O. said...

I'm so glad you moved back. Kentucky is beautiful and the people are very polite but they do not have big salads.

Kim Ward said...

I always wanted to move somewhere with Jeremy. I have always thought it would be a good expericne. You are lucky you got too, and I'm glad you are home. Andrew loves his brown "brother" Izzy as he affectionately calls him and I'm glad you are close for that and many other reasons.

Heather said...

Nic, I've always admired you and David for the way you grew during your time in KY.